Thanks for a

detailed and informative l article. As someone currently halfway through the second volume of the decline, it is very timely.

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Appreciate it 🙏🏽

Enjoy the read, every time I go through The DoW I realize another prediction of Spengler that is truly accurate, it is truly astonishing tbh.

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Thanks for this. Agreed about Sorokin, but I would never call Spengler an existentialist. His philosophical debts are to the near-obligatory neo-Kantianism of late 19th century Germany. I will look up Gruner and Eddins, as they are unfamiliar to me.

It is a hopeful closing note that philosophers of history might have some influence on contemporary events, perhaps even pulling a civilization back from the brink. Perhaps Dugin has something like this kind of influence in Russia. But cutting through all the noise amplified by social media is not something most philosophers are cut out to do. Of course, there are well connected academics at major universities with policy influence, but they belong to the cohort of thinkers who have rejected speculative philosophy of history.

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Yes, there is no doubt that the death of the "old God" and its replacement with Materialism/Scientism has led to a complete crisis in the humanities.

Are you familiar with Jim Rogers though?

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Not familiar with his work actually.

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He is famous by the following quote which he might have taken from Frederick the Great: "The biggest lesson of history is that people don't learn from the lessons of history".

This seems to me like one of the most unavoidable conclusions of any philosophy of history. Do you disagree?

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Yes definitely, Santayana, Marx, and Hegel had similar quotes. Yet, you would surprised how some philosophies of history, or approaches to history, are non-deterministic and believe we can transcend the dialectic or macro cycles.

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Unfortunately I have already grown cynical and stoic enough to tend not to be surprised at the stupidity of mankind 😅

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We are on the same boat my friend 😅

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Even in positions of authority. In fact, in civilizations one perceives as in decline, what else should one expect from such authoritative figures?

Denial is the first stage of grief, of course.

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